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Dhamma changed the way that I look at the world and interact with others. I started listening to Dhamma around 18months back and trying to practice every basic thing I learnt. I am not wrong if I say that I am a more relaxed & a calmer person than earlier. I have transformed to a person who can forgive anyone for anything they have done most of the times. I am able see how events happen around me, sometimes when it is happening but most of the time after it happens, and how I haven’t had any control over anything. Sometimes I could see the root-cause for the events that happen around me. This has led me to think and direct my intentions towards good deeds so that I wouldn’t have to worry about the outcome a lot. To practice, I try to live a life which is of no harm to anyone to the best of my ability. So, I have very less regrets compared to a couple of years back. I could see and try to focus on positives in many events that happen in my everyday life.

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